We inform you that it is possible for you to change the registration number of the vehicle assigned to a PASS Autocar as long as it has not been used.
To do this:
- If the usage date of the PASS is for the same day
o click on the registration plate number in the list of your PASS Autocar
o enter the new registration number
o print your PASS Autocar with the new registration number. If your coach has already left, the PASS Autocar can be printed again if needed in a PASS Autocar car-park.
- If not
o click on change (if the PASS has already been printed and its usage date is not for the same day: you will be asked to confirm the cancellation request, then to click on a link which will be sent immediately to you by e-mail, for confirmation of this cancellation request).
o click on the registration plate in the list of your PASS Autocar
o enter the new registration number
o print your PASS Autocar with the new registration number.
Best regards