Please select a question
Why have an account ?
We inform you that access to the PASS Autocar service (PASS autocar order…) requires a PASS registration.
Best regards
I don't have a SIRET number to create an account
We inform you that you can put XXXX as the SIRET no. when creating a PASS Autocar account.
Best regards
Contact technical support
I would like to change my e-mail address
You can change your e-mail address by connecting to the PASS Autocar website, then, at the top right, clicking on your Surname and First name as displayed. Click on the ""Change"" button and change the content of the ""E-mail address"" line, inputting your new address. Then save the changes using the ""Change"" button.
Best regards
I would like to change the name of my company
You should send a message to technical support using the website messaging service and specifying the nature of your request. Only the team in charge of administration of the PASS Autocar website can make changes to the company name or the SIRET code of your company in your account.
Best regards
I would like to pay by a method other than bank card
We inform you that to obtain a method of payment other than by bank card, a request should be made to the authority via the website (click on ""Write a message"" at the top right).
Once the request has been validated by the car-park management, an electronic message of confirmation will be sent.
Best regards
For each payment method, what is the time period required for validation of my order?
We inform you that the time periods for obtaining a PASS or coach units are the following:
- Immediate for payment by bank card.
- For payment by bank transfer, at least ten days from the date the transfer was made.
- For payment by cheque, at least ten days from the date the cheque was received.
- For payment by administrative transfer, at least 50 days from the date the order was received.
Best regards
What is the maximum amount for a payment by bank card?
Purchase by bank card is limited to €20,000 with immediate release of units.
Best regards
What is the Subscriber PASS ?
This is a formula designed for coach companies that regularly come to Paris.
The following transport sub-categories are eligible for a Subscriber PASS:
- Transport on demand
- Regular line
Eligibility conditions for a Subscriber PASS are described in the document titled “Coach PASS Manual” (pages 11 to 17), which can be consulted on the website.
The Subscriber PASS:
- provides more usage flexibility and does not require an access code for car parks, rather, access is granted via a scanning system
- can obtain significant amounts of parking units, which are valid for a limited period, at a unit price that may be lower than the basic price
- can obtain a 78% discount on parking rates for a coach under the EURO 6 standard
To be considered as a “Subscriber”, the company is required to:
- sign a quality and good practices commitment, including drivers’ commitment to comply with regulations applicable to tourist coaches
- pay the subscription fee for the coach PASS
- provide a list of the coaches that will come to park in Paris and whose Euro standard is at least antepenultimate to the Euro standard in force (Euro 6 standard in force since 1 January 2014) for transport on demand, penultimate to the standard in force until 31/12/2017 and the last standard in force as from 01/01/2018 for regular lines
- include related supporting documents: vehicle registration certificate, and if the Euro standard is not indicated provide a technical data sheet (in France, the “barré rouge” permit)
- upon approval of the supporting documents by the administrative services you can buy a transmitter (1 per coach). They will be sent to you by post (registered mail) once they have been programmed
- indicate the regular lines as relevant, and once approved allocate vehicles
- buy Coach PASS units for the user accounts
- print the PASS for each vehicle on a monthly basis to allow them to park
Best regards
What is a regular line
The Subscriber PASS is subject to notification of “Regular Lines” for the “Regular Lines” transport sub-category.
The delivery conditions applicable to the types of connections notified are described in the PASS Manual (article about “Notification of lines”), which is available on the site.
Once the line is approved by the Mairie de Paris, the Holder of the account must associate one or more vehicles that have been notified and approved for this line.
Best regards
I would like to place a School pre-order
Nous vous informons que :
• Le délai nécessaire pour effectuer une pré-commande Scolaire est de dix jours minimum. Le délai peut être rallongé en fonction du mode de paiement :
- immédiat pour le paiement par carte bancaire
- Au moins 10 jours pour un paiement par virement à compter de la date d'exécution du virement
- Au moins 10 jours pour un paiement par chèque à compter de la date de réception du chèque
- Au moins 50 jours pour un paiement par virement administratif à compter de la date de réception du mandat
• Ces PASS spécifiques ne s’acquièrent qu’à l’avance et avec une pré-commande par Internet (depuis votre compte sur la page d'accueil du site une fois connecté cliquer sur le bouton « Commander un PASS Scolaire »), suivi de l’envoi d’un justificatif et du paiement à la Régie en charge du PASS Autocar. Après validation des pièces justificatives de votre pré-commande par la Régie, vous pourrez procéder au paiement de votre commande. A défaut, les PASS Autocar habituels pourront être achetés à leur tarif plein
• Le justificatif, document imprimable à partir du site devant faire mention expresse du nom et de l'adresse ou de l'identifiant de l'établissement scolaire ou agréé, ainsi que la signature et le cachet de l’établissement, est à transmettre directement depuis votre compe PASS Autocar
Sincères salutations
I would like to place a Disability pre-order
We inform you that:
• The time period required to place a Disabled pre-order is minimum ten days. The time period may be extended according to the method of payment:
- Immediate for payment by bank card.
- For payment by bank transfer, at least ten days from the date the transfer was made.
- For payment by cheque, at least ten days from the date the cheque was received.
- For payment by administrative transfer, at least 50 days from the date the order was received.
• These particular PASSES can only be purchased in advance and by pre-order over the Internet (once you have logged into your account on the website homepage, click on the button "Order a Disabled PASS"). Send documentary evidence and payment to the authority in charge of the PASS Autocar. After the authority has validated your pre-order documents, you may proceed to payment of your order. Failing this, the usual PASS Autocar may be purchased at its full price.
• The supporting document, a sworn statement stating that the tour operator for the trip is organising transport for diasabled groups who hold a disability pass, is to be sent directly from your PASS Autocar account.
Best regards
I would like to request reimbursement of a Coach PASS / School PASS / Disability PASS
We inform you that:
• Any request for reimbursement must be made before the usage date of the PASS Autocar / School PASS / Disabled PASS (except in an exceptional case such as bad weather if a prefectoral order is published).
• To make your request for reimbursement, click on the number of the PASS Autocar / School PASS / Disabled PASS on the website to obtain the details page, then click on the button "Reimburse".
• Please fill in your bank account details and choose the reason for your application for reimbursement. At the end of this form, you will have several pages to print which must be signed and sent electronically from your account to the Mairie de Paris.
Best regards
I am unable to print a PASS Autocar or a receipt
In the event of a problem printing a document from the PASS Autocar website,
- If the document is displayed on your screen but you are not able to print it
- please contact your technical support to check your printer settings.
- If the document does not diplay on the screen
- please install the Adobe Acrobat Reader software allowing PASS Autocar document to be read and printed.
- If the document is not diplayed on the screen when the Adobe Acrobat Reader software is installed.
- please use the ""Send by e-mail"" button which is next to the ""Print"" button. You will receive the document by e-mail and it should be possible to open it from your message.
For a better user experience of the PASS Autocar website, please use the latest version of your internet browser, e.g. ""Mozilla Firefox"" or ""Google Chrome"".
Best regards
I would like to change the type of PASS Autocar
We inform you that it is not possible to change the type of PASS Autocar (for example: PASS NUIT instead of PASS JOURNEE).
In the event of a change of type, only one request for reimbursement of the old package (if the request is made before the travel date) and one order of a new package is possible.
Best regards
I would like to change the usage date of a Coach PASS
We inform you that it is possible to change the date of a parking package under the following conditions: the change must be made on the day before the date of the initial journey at the latest, without exceeding the period of validity of the package (6 months from the purchase date).
To do this:
- click on change (in the event that the PASS has already been printed and its usage date is not the same day: you will be asked to confirm the cancellation request, then to click on a link which will be sent immediately to you by e-mail, for confirmation of this cancellation request).
- click on the usage date of your PASS in the list of your PASS Autocar.
- enter the new date
- remember to print your PASS Autocar to give it to the driver before the departure date.
Best regards
I would like to change the usage date of a School or Disabled PASS
We inform you that the usage date of a School or Disabled PASS cannot be changed by the user.
• In the case of a paid pre-order, return the documentary evidence of the pre-order, explicitly adding in handwriting the request for change of date
• In all other cases, place another pre-order.
Best regards
I would like to change the registration plate number on my Coach PASS
We inform you that it is possible for you to change the registration number of the vehicle assigned to a PASS Autocar as long as it has not been used.
To do this:
- If the usage date of the PASS is for the same day
o click on the registration plate number in the list of your PASS Autocar
o enter the new registration number
o print your PASS Autocar with the new registration number. If your coach has already left, the PASS Autocar can be printed again if needed in a PASS Autocar car-park.
- If not
o click on change (if the PASS has already been printed and its usage date is not for the same day: you will be asked to confirm the cancellation request, then to click on a link which will be sent immediately to you by e-mail, for confirmation of this cancellation request).
o click on the registration plate in the list of your PASS Autocar
o enter the new registration number
o print your PASS Autocar with the new registration number.
Best regards
I would like to fit my coach with a particle filter (FP) to upgrade its EURO standard (and be eligible for the Season Ticket PASS).
We inform you that fitting a particule filter in your coach ("retrofit" at a cost effective price under the terms of the decree of May 15 2013 on progress of the Euro standard by limiting particle emissions from vehicles) allows access to the status of Autocar PASS holder.
In application of the abovementioned decree, each Prepaid PASS membership application made on the website must include the following:
- Vehicle registration certificate
- The certificate conforming to annexe 2 of the decree of 15 May 2013. (attached to this email)
- The approval by UTAC of the system
Please note that when you consulting a coach's file, its status must appear in the following list:
- File to be completed: the coach's file needs to be filled out
- Current order: awaiting a response from Paris City Hall
- Incorrect order:
Paris City Hall has refused your request (Refusal reasons are posted to the right of the registration, you can complete the order by either clicking on "Incorrect order" or the "Delete" button. )
- Accepted: you vehicle benefits from the Prepaid PASS
- Order your card: the file has been accepted, you now need to order your card for your coach
- Renew your card: you have less than a month left, you need to renew your card.
Best regards